YUMI – Multiboot USB Creator

YUMI – Multiboot USB Creator

YUMI (Your Universal Multiboot Integrator), is the successor to our MultibootISOs. It can be used to create a Multiboot USB Flash Drive containing multiple operating systems, antivirus utilities, disc cloning, diagnostic tools, and more. Contrary to MultiBootISOs which used grub to boot ISO files directly from USB, YUMI uses syslinux to boot extracted distributions stored on the USB device, and reverts to using grub to Boot Multiple ISO files from USB, if necessary.
Aside from a few distributions, all files are stored within the Multiboot or yumi folder (depending on version), making for a nicely organized Multiboot USB Drive that can still be used for other storage purposes.
Important Note: YUMI was intended to be used to try to run various "LIVE Linux" Operating Systems from USB. Installing Linux from the YUMI created USB Drive to a Hard Drive is not officially supported. If the installer portion of any Live Linux distro does work, consider it a bonus.

Creating a YUMI Multiboot MultiSystem Bootable USB Flash Drive
YUMI works much like Universal USB Installer, except it can be used to install more than one distribution to run Live from your USB. Distributions can also be uninstalled using the same tool!
YUMI - Multiboot USB Creator
YUMI's Main Multiboot Boot Menu
YUMI - Multiboot Boot Menu
YUMI- – September 19, 2014 – Changelog
Switch to use Syslinux 6.0.3 to address ERR: Couldn't read the first sector issues.
YUMI for Windows MD5: 6597407C0B448CE8D08C01F8FB81879A
PLEASE READ: Syslinux 6+ is used in >YUMI and has not been fully tested. If you experience com32/chain32 issues please report them. In the meantime, if you experience non-working entries, feel free to download YUMI HERE which uses syslinux 4.
NOTE: YUMI V2 can't remove distributions previously installed with Legacy YUMI! Although no longer supported, you can still Download Legacy YUMI
Linux Based YUMI Downloads:
Note: As I find time, I am rewriting YUMI for Linux, so the Linux YUMI tool will dramatically change once it is finished.
Source Code


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