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Description: NET Framework – a software which is used for full functioning of the software created on .NET Framework architecture. The software contains a package of components that are required for correct installation and work of many popular games, applications and even drivers. Also .NET Framework provides increasing productivity, reliability and security of the system.

.NET Framework Version 4.5.2

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File Size: 20.85 MB
License: Freeware
Languages: en-US
Author: http://www.oracle.com
Homepage: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jre7-downloads-1880261.html
Description: Java software allows you to run applications called "applets" that are written in the Java programming language. These applets allow you to have a much richer experience online than simply interacting with static HTML pages.
Java Plug-in technology, included as part of the Java 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (JRE), establishes a connection between popular browsers and the Java platform. Java allows applications to be downloaded over a network and run within a guarded sandbox. Security restrictions are easily imposed on the sandbox. Many cross platform applications also require Java to operate properly.


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File Size: 1.56 MB
License: Shareware
Languages: en-US
Requirements: Windows XP / Vista / Windows7 / XP64 / Vista64 / Windows7 64 / Windows8 / Windows8 64

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It consistently makes smaller archives than the competition, saving disk space and transmission costs. WinRAR offers a graphic interactive interface utilizing mouse and menus as well as the command line interface. WinRAR is easier to use than many other archivers with the inclusion of a special "Wizard" mode which allows instant access to the basic archiving functions through a simple question and answer procedure.

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Languages: en_US
License: Freeware
Author: www.adobe.com
Homepage: http://www.adobe.com/products/reader/
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Womble MPEG Video Wizard DVD 5.0 Software with Crack

Womble MPEG Video Wizard DVD 5.0 is the latest MPEG editor with DVD authoring and full AC-3 encoder support, and it includes all the features and functionality of its predecessors — the MPEG Video Wizard and MPEG-VCR. Whether you are a video professional or a new video enthusiast, we are confident that MVW-DVD will meet all of your needs of MPEG editing and DVD authoring.”

MPEG editing
  • Fast HD MPEG editing with frame accuracy
  • Smart rendering with minimum video re-encoding
  • Efficient Ad detection and removal with scene change and fade detection
  • Flexible job scheduling with batch export list

DVD Author
  • Professional-looking menu with a few clicks
  • Fast DVD creation with smart rendering
  • Multiple video titling for flexiable DVD creation
  • Real-time video preview and DVD burning
  • Full set of tools including MPEG multiplexer, de-multiplexer, format converter, GOP fixer, MBS Scanner, DVD Reader, DVD Burner, AVI Exporter, and MP4 Exporter.
Format conversion
  • MPEG to iPod, PSP, MP4, AVI, and Mov
  • DV to MPEG-2 and DVD
  • MP4 to MPEG-2 and DVD
  • MP4 batch export

ENJOY this FULL Software “Womble MPEG Video Wizard DVD” with Working Keygen.

Womble MPEG Video Wizard DVD 5.0

Womble MPEG Video Wizard (FULL + Keygen) 
Womble MPEG Video Wizard DVD 5.0 is the latest MPEG editor with DVD authoring and full AC-3 encoder support, and it includes all the features and functionality of its predecessors — the MPEG Video Wizard and MPEG-VCR. Whether you are a video professional or a new video enthusiast, we are confident that MVW-DVD will meet all of your needs of MPEG editing and DVD authoring.”

MPEG editing
  • Fast HD MPEG editing with frame accuracy
  • Smart rendering with minimum video re-encoding
  • Efficient Ad detection and removal with scene change and fade detection
  • Flexible job scheduling with batch export list
DVD Author
  • Professional-looking menu with a few clicks
  • Fast DVD creation with smart rendering
  • Multiple video titling for flexiable DVD creation
  • Real-time video preview and DVD burning
  • Full set of tools including MPEG multiplexer, de-multiplexer, format converter, GOP fixer, MBS Scanner, DVD Reader, DVD Burner, AVI Exporter, and MP4 Exporter.
Format conversion
  • MPEG to iPod, PSP, MP4, AVI, and Mov
  • DV to MPEG-2 and DVD
  • MP4 to MPEG-2 and DVD
  • MP4 batch export

ENJOY this FULL Software “Womble MPEG Video Wizard DVD” with Working Keygen.

Create,Save,Update,Delete and Search Student Profile Using Visual Basic

How to create ,Save,Update ,Delete and Search Student Profile information using Visual basic and Ms Access-Step By Step
VB6 Control used are Textbox,  OptionBox,Combobox,Picturebox,DatePicker ,Common Dialog controls
Features of Application are:
1.How to design the VB form and add various controls i.e Textbox,  OptionBox,Combobox,Picturebox,DatePicker ,Common Dialog controls onto the form.
2.How to create database object at run time and do the database connectivity.
3.How to load the image onto the form using commondialog control and also  Save /Retrieve  the Image or Picture from the database.
4.How to save the values selected from Optionbox and Combobox into the database and retrieve them when required.
5.How to Use datepicker control and Save the Date into the Database.
6.How to Save ,Delete,Update and Search the Student profiles.
7.How to navigate between the profiles (First/Next/Previous/Last).

if you like my work,Please hit like button and SUBSCRIBE to my channel.


Dim con As New ADODB.Connection
Dim rs As New ADODB.Recordset
Dim str As String
Dim confirm As Integer

Private Sub addnew_Click()
End Sub
Sub clear()
Text1.Text = ""
Text2.Text = ""
DTPicker1.Value = "10/05/2005"
Option1.Value = False
Option2.Value = False
Combo1.Text = "Select Department"
Combo2.Text = "Select Course"
Combo3.Text = "Select Semester"
Text3.Text = ""
Text4.Text = ""
Picture1.Picture = LoadPicture("")
End Sub
Private Sub Combo1_Click()
If Combo1.Text = "Computer Science" Then
Combo2.AddItem "M.C.A"
Combo2.AddItem "B.C.A"
Combo2.AddItem "B.Sc(IT)"
ElseIf Combo1.Text = "Electrical Engineering" Then
Combo2.AddItem "B.TECH (EE)"
Combo2.AddItem "M.TECH (EE)"
ElseIf Combo1.Text = "Civil Engineering" Then
Combo2.AddItem "B.TECH (CE)"
Combo2.AddItem "M.TECH (CE)"
End If
End Sub
Private Sub deletebtn_Click()
confirm = MsgBox("Do you want to delete the Student Profile", vbYesNo + vbCritical, "Deletion Confirmation")
If confirm = vbYes Then
rs.Delete adAffectCurrent
MsgBox "Record has been Deleted successfully", vbInformation, "Message"
MsgBox "Profile Not Deleted ..!!", vbInformation, "Message"
End If

End Sub
Sub refreshdata()
rs.Open "Select * from ProfileTBL", con, adOpenStatic, adLockPessimistic
If Not rs.EOF Then
MsgBox "No Record Found"
End If
End Sub
Private Sub findbtn_Click()
rs.Open "Select * from ProfileTBL where RollNo='" + Text1.Text + "'", con, adOpenDynamic, adLockPessimistic
If Not rs.EOF Then
MsgBox "Record Profile not found ..!!", vbInformation
End If

End Sub
Sub reload()
rs.Open "Select * from ProfileTBL", con, adOpenDynamic, adLockPessimistic
End Sub
Database Connectivity under FORM LOAD
Private Sub Form_Load()
con.Open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=D:\Database Folder\ProfileDB.mdb;Persist Security Info=False"
rs.Open "Select * from ProfileTBL", con, adOpenDynamic, adLockPessimistic

Combo1.AddItem "Computer Science"
Combo1.AddItem "Electrical Engineering"
Combo1.AddItem "Civil Engineering"
Combo3.AddItem "SEMESTER-I"
Combo3.AddItem "SEMESTER-II"
Combo3.AddItem "SEMESTER-III"
Combo3.AddItem "SEMESTER-IV"
Combo3.AddItem "SEMESTER-V"
Combo3.AddItem "SEMESTER-VI"
Combo3.AddItem "SEMESTER-VII"
Combo3.AddItem "SEMESTER-VIII"
End Sub
Sub display()
Text1.Text = rs!Rollno
Text2.Text = rs!Name
DTPicker1.Value = rs!DOB
If rs!Gender = "MALE" Then
Option1.Value = True
Option2.Value = True
End If
Combo1.Text = rs!Dept
Combo2.Text = rs!Course
Combo3.Text = rs!Semester
Text3.Text = rs!Address
Text4.Text = rs!phone
Picture1.Picture = LoadPicture(rs!photo)
End Sub
Private Sub Firstbtn_Click()
End Sub

Private Sub lastbtn_Click()
End Sub

Private Sub nextbtn_Click()
If Not rs.EOF Then
End If
End Sub

Private Sub Previousbtn_Click()
If rs.BOF Then
End If
End Sub
Private Sub savebtn_Click()
rs.Fields("RollNo").Value = Text1.Text
rs.Fields("Name").Value = Text2.Text
rs.Fields("DOB").Value = DTPicker1.Value
If Option1.Value = True Then
rs.Fields("Gender") = Option1.Caption
rs.Fields("Gender") = Option2.Caption
End If
rs.Fields("Dept").Value = Combo1.Text
rs.Fields("Course").Value = Combo2.Text
rs.Fields("Semester").Value = Combo3.Text
rs.Fields("Address").Value = Text3.Text
rs.Fields("Phone").Value = Text4.Text
rs.Fields("Photo").Value = str
MsgBox "Data is saved successfully ..!!!", vbInformation
End Sub
Private Sub updatebtn_Click()
rs.Fields("RollNo").Value = Text1.Text
rs.Fields("Name").Value = Text2.Text
rs.Fields("DOB").Value = DTPicker1.Value
If Option1.Value = True Then
rs.Fields("Gender") = Option1.Caption
rs.Fields("Gender") = Option2.Caption
End If
rs.Fields("Dept").Value = Combo1.Text
rs.Fields("Course").Value = Combo2.Text
rs.Fields("Semester").Value = Combo3.Text
rs.Fields("Address").Value = Text3.Text
rs.Fields("Phone").Value = Text4.Text
MsgBox "Data is updated successfully ..!!!", vbInformation
End Sub
Private Sub uploadbtn_Click()
CommonDialog1.Filter = "Jpeg|*.jpg"
str = CommonDialog1.FileName
Picture1.Picture = LoadPicture(str)
End Sub

Customize Font Dialog Box using ListBox,Checkbox,Frame in (VB6) Visual B...

Customize Font Dialog Box using ListBox,Checkbox,Frame in (VB6) Visual Basic 6.0

Visual Basic Customize Font Dialog Box is Identical to font dialog available with Microsoft Office.You can apply different font faces,Font Sizes,Font Styles and effects like Uppercase,Lowercase,Strike Through,Underline etc to the sample text.
We can design our own font dialog box using standard controls i.e Label,List Box,Checkbox,frame etc available in Visual Basic 6.0 (VB6).

Please subscribe:-)
Source Code:

Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim i As Integer
List1.AddItem "Times new roman"
List1.AddItem "Roman"
List1.AddItem "Stencil"
List1.AddItem "Calibri"
List1.AddItem "Batang"
List1.AddItem "Arial"
For i = 8 To 25 Step 2
List2.AddItem i
Next i
 List3.AddItem "Regular"
 List3.AddItem "Bold"
 List3.AddItem "Italic"
 List3.AddItem "Bold Italic"

 End Sub

Private Sub List1_Click()
Label1.FontName = List1.Text

End Sub

Private Sub List2_Click()
Label1.FontSize = List2.Text
End Sub

Private Sub List3_Click()
If List3.Text = "Bold" Then
Label1.FontBold = True
ElseIf List3.Text = "Italic" Then
Label1.FontItalic = True
ElseIf List3.Text = "Bold Italic" Then
Label1.FontItalic = True
Label1.FontBold = True
ElseIf List3.Text = "Regular" Then
Label1.FontItalic = False
Label1.FontBold = False
Label1.FontItalic = False
Label1.FontBold = False
End If
End Sub

Private Sub LowerCase_Click()
If LowerCase.Value = 1 Then
Label1.Caption = LCase(Label1.Caption)
Label1.Caption = "Sample Text"
End If
End Sub

Private Sub Strike_Click()
If Strike.Value = 1 Then
Label1.FontStrikethru = True
Label1.FontStrikethru = False
End If
End Sub

Private Sub Underline_Click()
If Underline.Value = 1 Then
Label1.FontUnderline = True
Label1.FontUnderline = False
End If
End Sub

Private Sub UpperCase_Click()
If UpperCase.Value = 1 Then
Label1.Caption = UCase(Label1.Caption)
Label1.Caption = "Sample Text"

End If
End Sub

Add,Delete ,Update,Search using VB6 DataGrid- ADODC and Access-Step by Step

Visual Basic Database Application:Add,Delete ,Update,Search Records Using Data Grid -Adodc Control and MS Access 2003-Step by Step
How to add ,delete,Update and Search records in DataGrid control placed on VB form.
How to change the properties to format the Data Grid control.
in this Application,I am using my previous App database (Student Database.mdb).
1.firstly ,Data Grid control and Adodc are not available on toolbox.So add these controls to form for use.
Next make the database connectivity using Adodc.DataGrid Control works only with ADODC control.So you have to use these two control on the form.One Adodc is used for database connectivity and Datagrid is used for display the records in the form of rows and columns.set the datasource property of Data Grid  to name of adodc for displaying the information in the form.
2.Once data is shown on the form,then set the datagrid property for adding ,deleting  and updating the records.
3.Add search capability to the datagrid.You can search the records by entering Name or RollNo in the textbox.if record is not available,it shows message"No Record Found".
4.How to filter the information about the students .
Everything is explained and performed in this application.

If you like my video,Please Hit like button and Subscribe to my channel for latest updates on tutorials.

Source Code:
Delete Record Command Button

Dim confirm As Integer

Private Sub delbtn_Click()
confirm = MsgBox("Do you want to delete the Record", vbYesNo + vbExclamation, "Warning Message")
If confirm = vbYes Then
MsgBox "Record Deleted Successfully", vbInformation, "Delete Record Confirmation"
MsgBox "Record Not Deleted", vbInformation, "Record Not Deleted"
End If
End Sub
General Category Command Button
Private Sub GEN_Click()
adogrid.RecordSource = "Select * from Student_Info where Category='GEN'"
adogrid.Caption = adogrid.RecordSource
End Sub
Search By Roll No or Name :GO command Button

Private Sub gosearch_Click()
adogrid.RecordSource = "Select * from Student_Info where RollNo='" + Text1.Text + "' or Name='" + Text1.Text + "'"
If adogrid.Recordset.EOF Then
MsgBox "Record Not Found,Enter any other Roll No or Name", vbCritical, "Message"
adogrid.Caption = adogrid.RecordSource
End If
End Sub
OBC Category Command Button
Private Sub obc_Click()
adogrid.RecordSource = "Select * from Student_Info where Category='OBC'"
adogrid.Caption = adogrid.RecordSource
End Sub
Plus One Class Command Button
Private Sub plusone_Click()
adogrid.RecordSource = "Select * from Student_Info where Class='Plus One'"
adogrid.Caption = adogrid.RecordSource
End Sub
Plus Two Class Command Button
Private Sub plustwo_Click()
adogrid.RecordSource = "Select * from Student_Info where Class='Plus Two'"
adogrid.Caption = adogrid.RecordSource
End Sub
SC Category Command Button
Private Sub sc_Click()
adogrid.RecordSource = "Select * from Student_Info where Category='SC'"
adogrid.Caption = adogrid.RecordSource
End Sub
ST Category Command Button
Private Sub st_Click()
adogrid.RecordSource = "Select * from Student_Info where Category='ST'"
adogrid.Caption = adogrid.RecordSource
End Sub
View All Records Command Button
Private Sub viewall_Click()
adogrid.RecordSource = "Select * from Student_Info"
adogrid.Caption = adogrid.RecordSource
End Sub
Please leave  comments and suggestions.
If you like my video,Please Hit like button and Subscribe to my channel for latest updates on tutorials.

Create Tool Bar,Status Bar and Menu Bar Using Visual Basic 6.0-Step By Step-Complete Tutorial

Create Tool Bar,Status Bar and Menu Bar Using Visual Basic 6.0-Step By Step.
In this tutorial,following features are demonstrated :
1. How to Create a Status Bar at the bottom of form ,Display Date And time,Status of CAPS LOCK/INSERT/NUM LOCK Enabled or Disabled.
2. How to use Image List control ,store images into the control and Use them in toolbar later on.
3. How to Create a Toolbar and place images in the menus using imagelist control,to make your toolbar more interactive.
 4.How to create Menu Bar,as discussed in my earlier tutorials.
 Link for more information.
 If you have any query,please leave comment.
if you found my tutorial more informative and useful then Hit like button and share it with your friends.
 for more Visual Basic tutorials,please visit

Advanced Login System using Visual Basic 6.0 and MS Access-Quick and easy

Create An Advanced Login System in Visual Basic 6.0 and Ms Access.

Features of this application are

Splash screen with progress bar,Welcome form asking for login or register,Registration form for new users to get register,Multi-User Login form for existing users as well new users registered.As you login successfully,you will be able to use the system.

In this video tutorial,you will able to create a splash screen having a progress bar indicating % complted status,as loading completes,A new form i.2 Welcome form will appeared on screen asking for Login or Register as a User.You can either register as new user or login into the system.For registration,A form Registration is available to create new username and password.Simultaneously,after the registration,you will be able to login with your current username and password.
In the tutorial,There are five VB forms:
1.Splash Screen having Progress Bar.
2.Welcome Form asking for Login (Existing User )or Register (New User).
3.Registration form for creating new users to use the sytem.
4.Multi-User Login form where all the users registered with the system ,can login into the system and Use the system.
5.Application form,As you login with your correct credentials,then you will be able to use the system.
Database connectivity or other programming stuff are explained step by step with written caption.
After watching this video,you wll be create the same login application for your own use.
for more information ,click on the Link:
Please leave a comment for any query.if you like my video,hit like button.
for more informative videos on technologies ,please subscribe to my channel.

Source Code: Splash Screen
Private Sub Form_Load()

Timer1.Enabled = True
Me.Left = (Screen.Width - Me.Width) / 2
Me.Top = (Screen.Height - Me.Height) / 2
End Sub
Private Sub Timer1_Timer()
ProgressBar1.Value = ProgressBar1.Value + 5
lblstatus.Caption = "Loading..Plz Wait.."
lblstat.Caption = ProgressBar1.Value & "%"
If ProgressBar1.Value = ProgressBar1.Max Then
Timer1.Enabled = False
Unload Me
End If
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()

Me.Left = (Screen.Width - Me.Width) / 2
Me.Top = (Screen.Height - Me.Height) / 2
End Sub
Private Sub logbtn_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub regbtn_Click()
End Sub
Registration form

Private Sub Form_Load()
End Sub
Private Sub regbtn_Click()
registerado.Recordset.Fields("Rollno") = txtroll.Text
registerado.Recordset.Fields("Name") = txtname.Text
registerado.Recordset.Fields("Class") = txtclass.Text
registerado.Recordset.Fields("Username") = txtuser.Text
registerado.Recordset.Fields("Password") = txtpass.Text
registerado.Recordset.Fields("Address") = txtadd.Text
registerado.Recordset.Fields("Contact") = txtphone.Text
MsgBox "User Registration Successful,Please Login with Username and Password", vbInformation
End Sub
Login Form
Private Sub loginbtn_Click()
loginado.RecordSource = "Select * from Log where Username ='" + txtuser.Text + "' and password='" + txtpass.Text + "' "
If loginado.Recordset.EOF Then
MsgBox "Login Failed.. Please login with correct credentials", vbCritical
txtuser.Text = ""
txtpass.Text = ""
MsgBox "Well Done..Login Successful", vbInformation
End If
End Sub

Thanks for watching..Plese share and subscribe to my channel.

Data Report using Data Environment (Print and Export)-Visual Basic6

Visual Basic 6.0 Tutorial -Create Data Report using Data Environment (Print and Export data report)-Step by Step-From Scratch
In this Video tutorial,Following Features are discussed
1.First,Create Database ,Store Data in it using MS Access.Also,Display the data in Datagrid Using ADODC and Data Grid Control In Visual Basic 6.0 .
2.Before Creating data report in Vb6,First Create Data Environment Which is used to connect your database with Data Report and tells the data report what is stored in the database..
3.Once,Data Environment  has been created ,Now Create Data Report with Data Environment just by dragging different fields from Data Environment to Data Report..
4.How to display all records in one Page or One Record in One Page.
5.How to print the data report.
6.How to export contents of data report to text files or other format files.
7.Use various Controls and functions in the different Sections of  Data Report in order to make data report more readable and understandable.With functions,You can do the calculations about the records and values.
8.How to make this data report attractive and more effective,with Logos,Text and tabular representation of data using controls.

You can also create the same data report ,just watch this video.

if you like this tutorial,Please Hit Like button and Share -SUBSCRIBE.
for any query,leave a comment in comment section.
Thanks .

Common dialog control- Font and Color Dialog in Visual Basic 6.0

Visual Basic 6.0 Tutorial:Working with Common Dialog Control and its different Dialogs i.e Open,Save,Color,Font,Print and Help.
Video tutorial is focused on following points:
1.How to add Common Dialog Control 6.0 into VB form.
2.How to use different dialogs (Open,Save,Color,Font,Print and Help) with this control.
3.How to use different methods /Actions to invoke a particular dialog.
4.How to work with Font Dialog  and its different flags in detail.
(How to add specific fonts and Style,effects .colors ,Help to font dialog and how  to make them functional with code.)
5.How to work with Color Dialog and its different flags in detail.
(How to add different color options (Custom colors,Full Colors,Disable custom color)onto the color dialog and use them with text and background etc)

Source Code:
For Color Dialog Button
Private Sub colorbtn_Click()
On Error GoTo errorfix
dialogtest.Flags = &H1
Form1.BackColor = dialogtest.Color
End Sub
For Font Dialog button
Private Sub fontbtn_Click()
On Error GoTo errorfix
dialogtest.Flags = &H3 Or &H100 Or &H4
txtsample.FontName = dialogtest.FontName
txtsample.FontBold = dialogtest.FontBold
txtsample.FontItalic = dialogtest.FontItalic
txtsample.FontSize = dialogtest.FontSize
txtsample.FontStrikethru = dialogtest.FontStrikethru
txtsample.FontUnderline = dialogtest.FontUnderline
txtsample.ForeColor = dialogtest.Color
End Sub

Camtasia Studio 8 Software and Crack


Camtasia Studio 8 Key And Crack Full Version Free DownloadCamtasia studio 8 Key is the best screen recorder and video editor software. You can record your screen capture pictures and make videos. You can turn your videos in professional videos. It helps its users to convey their message conveniently and efficiently. Camtasia Studio 8 Crack offers a varied range of tools to personalize your video. You can draw attention to a certain area with different callouts in this software. It has cool animated sketches.  You can add more information with on-screen text captions or make your video more eye catching with transition effects.

Features of Camtasia Studio 6 Full Version:

  • Camtasia Studio 8 Key Full Version is easy to use.
  • You can record your screen to capture PowerPoint slides, software demos, webpages, and more.
  • You can edit your recorded videos with the cool and different effects in this software.
  • You can create interactive videos with clickable links, table of contents, search, and much more.
  • There are some recent changes in this software which are these: Arrow keys now scroll the play head instead of the timeline and Tooltips now show for locked media.
  • You can easily upload your files on internet through options available in the Camtasia Studio 8 Key.

How to Activate Camtasia Studio 8 Crack?

  • This will be a little bit tricky, follow these instructions correctly.
  • Download & install the latest trial version of Camstasia Studio 8.
  • Download Camtasia Studio 8 Keygen from here with BLACKHosts for Camtasia.bat from below.
  • Launch Camtasia Studio 8 Setup and always choose 30 day trial mode.
  • Now run ‘BLOCKHosts for Camtasia8.bat’ file as administrator (important).
  • After you have launched your software go to Help > Enter Software Key.
  • Copy and Paste a serial key from the list given in the downloaded file. From link below.
  • Fill your Name in the Name bar and click Finish.
  • You will get an error message saying there’s a trouble validating the key. Just click on OK.
  • Now Exit from Camstasia Studio 8 completely.
  • Launch the software (Camstasia Studio 8 Serial Key) again you will get registered message close it.
  • You have completed. Enjoy.
  • Note: You may have seen these keys on internet many time but these do nothing when you enter these keys to activate but here is the right way to activate your software so just follow the above instructions this method will work for you.
Download Camtasia Studio 8 Key and Crack from this link.

Alternet Link


Google Earth Pro Crack And License Key Full Version

Google Earth Pro Crack And License Key Full Version Free DownloadGoogle Earth Pro Crack 7.1 is best mapping software. If you do not know the location of any city or any place. You can use this software to locate the exact place. You will just need to enter the name of that area. Google Earth lets you fly anywhere on Earth to view satellite imagery, maps, terrain, 3D buildings, from galaxies in outer space to the canyons of the ocean. You can explore rich geographical content, save your toured places, and share with others. This program allows regular technical and non-technical users alike to explore earth mapping and geographical capabilities. Google Earth Pro Serial Key 7.1 uses built-in user-friendly features for easy operation and exploration. It has a medium-level learning curve, especially for first-time users, but can be mastered with the provided online guidance via the developer’s website. User’s interested in mapping should find this program educational, useful, and enjoyable.

Features of Google Earth Pro 7.1 Full:

Google Earth’s features include:
  • You will be able to see global changes with decades of historic imagery.
  • If you’ve ever wondered how your neighborhood has changed throughout time, Google Earth Pro 7.1 Keygen now gives you access to the past. With a simple click, check out suburban sprawl, melting ice caps, coastal erosion.
  • You can simply turn on the touring feature, press record, and see the world.
  • You can add a soundtrack or narration to personalize the journey with Google Earth Pro Crack Latest Version.
  • In the new ocean layer, you can plunge all the way to the floor of the sea.
  • You can see the view of exclusive content from partners like BBC and National Geographic, and explore 3D shipwrecks like the Titanic.
  • You will be able to take place marks a step further and record a free-form tour in Google Earth Pro License Code.
  • This Google Earth Pro Crack is easy to use and user friendly interference.

How to Crack Google Earth Pro Full Version?

  • First of all install Google Earth free version.
  • Then close Google Earth also from taskbar.
  • Then download Google Earth Pro 7.1 Crack and run it.
  • Click on the Crack button.
  • A box will appear click on crack button.
  • After that Press Close button in message box and come to main crack window again.
  • Enter your first and last names and Click Activate
  • Yes your Google Earth Pro Latest Version has been activated.
  • Enjoy ðŸ™‚
Download Google Earth Pro Crack 7.1 Full free from this link.

Microsoft Office 2007 Product Key, Crack And Keygen Full

Microsoft Office 2007 Product Key And Crack Full Version Free Download
Microsoft Office 2007 Product Key is a complete package of different software. It includes the basic software components for all kinds of office work. It also has applications that will enhance and supply the download of external programs. MS Office 2007 Free represents the great evolution of the classic way of working. It is also able to create innovation with the visual aspect and then charming users with the options and features it offers. Microsoft Office 2007 Crack is the most popular and it is now world wide spread productivity suite it can be used for both in home and professional environments. The utilities included in it depend on the exact edition you use (Microsoft Office Professional, Standard, Small Business or Home and Student) but they generally cover all major areas in your daily computer-related tasks.

Key Feature of MS Office 2007 Product Key:

  • It is not a problem what edition you use, the main four applications in Microsoft Office are Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook is included.
  • Now you can deal with all sorts of tasks related to written documents for example forming a simple text, editing to complex documents including macros, tables, images and forms with Word.
  • Excel will help you in tabulation, calculation, mathematical formulas and in all in 2D spreadsheets or 3D colorful diagrams.
  • Power Point is also available you can make presentations and slides etc. with sounds and you can also prepare your lecture if you are a teacher.
  • And finally Outlook is a standard e-mail solution. The old look with menus and toolbars has been replaced by the Ribbon at the top of the window in MS office 2007 Product Key.

These Keys Activate:

  • Microsoft Office Professional 2007.
  • Microsoft Office Student 2007.
  • Microsoft Office Business 2007.
  • Microsoft Office Ultimate 2007.
  • Microsoft Office Home 2007.

How to Activate Microsoft Office 2007 Keygen?

  • Just install your Version of Microsoft Office 2007.
  • Download Microsoft Office 2007 Serial Keys from here.
  • Copy the key and paste it in required field.
  • Done it will activate your Product.
  • Note: If a key didn’t worked then do not lose hope and try other key that will work for you and activate your Product.
Download Microsoft Office 2007 Product Key and Crack free from this link.

Connectify 9 Pro Crack, License Key And Key Full Version

Connectify 9 Pro Crack And License Key Full Version Free Download

Connectify 9 Pro Crack can easily act as your primary router or even a repeater for your home router. You can extend router’s range and providing Internet access wherever you need it. Connect to your home network, enter the same Wi-Fi name and password, and hit “Start Hotspot.” Devices will automatically connect to the Internet through either your Connectify Pro Crack hotspot. This new version of Software allows sharing many more devices and software applications, including Cisco Any Connect VPN, Yes Go 4G USB modem, Vodafone Huawei USB modems, and more. Connectify Hotspot will recognize your PC’s network card, automatically configuring it as a hotspot and assigning you a network name and password. This also lets you share files and folders with others who are connected to your network.

Features of Connectify 9 Pro Full:

  • Now it has new Driver improved compatibility the developers did a lot of work to debug problems caused by other drivers on your system doing a variety of bad things.
  • It has new ‘Settings’ Tab in Settings they pulled choice of Wireless you can create a Wi-Fi hotspot, the default vs. Wired (turn your computer into a wired Ethernet router) to the very top.
  • Now Connectify 9 pro Crack fixed a fragmented packet handling issue now this resolved issue with the Spotflux VPN on iOS clients.
  • Static IP Addresses. You can assign a static IP Address to a client to ensure that it always gets the same IP address, every time it connects.
  • Automatically run a hotspot or always Dispatch your Internet connections anytime you turn your computer on, with the new “Always Resume” option in Settings > Startup Options. This option is new in Connectify 9 Pro Crack.
  • You can transform your laptop into a real Wi-Fi hotspot, sharing in any available Internet connection.
  • You can Know who and what devices are connected to your Connectify Hotspot at all times.

Instructions to Crack Connectify 9 Pro:

  • Install a fresh Connectify 9 Pro if you get error then install in safe mode.
  • Select the option to manually reboot later.
  • Now download and run Connectify 9 Pro Crack from below link.
  • Change the installation path if it is not correct.
  • Click Crack and Activate.
  • Wait for a moment till setup is finished.
  • Okay the message box that appears.
  • Run “HOSTMOD.bat” file
Your CONNECTIFY PRO license is now active, but you have to block Connectify servers, otherwise it will revert back to lite version. Read the steps given below CAREFULLY to know how to block servers using built-in windows tools.

How to Block Connectify Server validation?

  • Now do not restart your computer and follow these steps to Block Connectify Server validation you must have to do this.
  • Go to host file patch i.e. (C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc\hosts)
  • Open the hosts file and see if 10 URLs are ending with connectify.me if mot add these manually these are given in Read me File.
  • Right click on hosts file and go to properties. And the Security Tabs.
  • From there select 1st user group and check “Deny” tick given in front of Write permission.
  • Do the same thing for all 4 user groups (check Deny tick even if Allow tick is checked).
  • Apply and Ok you will get warning messages.Press yes for both.
  • Then restart your computer.
  • Now you may have Connectify 9 Pro
Download Connectify 9 Pro Crack from this link.

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